COPD, asthma, mycobacterium avium infection
A male patient 65 years old, a long-term cigarette smoker & alcohol drinker. Suffers from intense, productive cough, followed by coughing up bloodless sputum. Approx. 10 years ago he was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bacteriological lab report of sputum confirmed the existence of Mycobacterium avium infection. On this coloured CT scan, axial tomogram - lung window, we see reduced transparency of the lung parenchyma in the form of blur, dirty rough parenchyma, similar to "ground glass" opacified, with accentuated and thickened interstitial septa. Larger bullae can be seen in the middle lung field on the right. Permanent enlargements - dilatations of the middle and smaller bronchi of the thickened wall - bronchiectasis also dominate, more to the left, as part of the primary respiratory disease.
Snezana Stojanovic
3000 x 2522 pixels
Print Size @ 300 dpi
10 x 8 inches / 25 x 21 cm