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CT scans of the brain, axial sections, showing a large subdural hematoma in the left hemisphere extending from the frontal fossa to the temporal fossa and the parieto-occipital region in an 81 year old man injured in a fall. The hematoma measured approximately 3.5 cm in thickness.

Scott Camazine

6444 x 2637 pixels

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21 x 9 inches / 55 x 22 cm

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3 5, 81, age, anatomy, approximately, axial, axial skeleton, biology, blood, blood vessel, body, bone, brain, cardiovascular, cardiovascular disease, cat, central, central nervous system, cerebral, cerebrum, circulatory, circulatory system, cm, computerized, concept, condition, cortex, ct, diagnostic, diagnostics, dimension, disease, extending, fall, fossa, from, frontal, hematoma, hemisphere, hemorrhagic, hit, human, human anatomy, injured, injury, large, left, life science, lobe, man, measured, medical, medical imaging, medical science, medical test, medicine, meninges, nature, nervous, nervous system, number, old, parietal, people, procedure, properties, region, scan, scans, science, season, section, sections, severe, showing, size, skeletal system, spatial, subdural, system, temporal, thickness, tomography, trauma, vascular, vessel, view, weather, year, circulatory system disease, blood vessel disease, organ system, circulatory system disease, cardiovascular disease frontal, front side, side view accident, emergency accident victim, emergency injured, injury cardiovascular disease, organ system axial, anatomical direction cerebral, organ system, brain tomography, scan occipital lobe, organ system, organ system, cerebral cortex cerebrovascular, organ system, organ system, cerebral cortex brain, organ system, medical imaging elderly, older region, math-related concept, spatial patient, medicine abnormal, descriptive concept man, adult blood, organ system, organ system, computed, tomography parietal, nonhuman anatomy occipital, organ system, skull temporal parietooccipital, organ system, condition cerebral cortex, organ system, cerebrum hemisphere, math-related concept, tomography medical, parieto-occipital, organ system, organ system, brain subdural hematoma, brain injury cranium, organ system, skull injury, medicine fall, seasons axial section, section view fossa, anatomical structure head, plant anatomy subdural, organ system, dura mater 81, math-related concept, number male, sex gender fell, seasons extending 80s, math-related concept, 80 pta10