Irregular margination in a pulmonary nodule
This is a colored coronal CT image with contrast enhancement of a 46-year-old male with a history of follicular lymphoma. It shows an irregular nodule measuring 2.5 x 1.8 cm with spiculations and pleural tags in the right middle lobe. An air-bronchogram in structure is typical for lymphomas. Thickened interlobular septa, bronchial walls thickened, and pulmonary fibrosis in both lower lobes are also noted. A 64-slice CT scanner was used, with the thickness parameter set to 0.5 mm. A 100 ml iodine contrast with V = 5 ml/sec injection was administered prior to the scan.
Radio Scan
4274 x 5010 pixels
Print Size @ 300 dpi
14 x 17 inches / 36 x 42 cm