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MRI (FLAIR imaging) of the head, axial section, showing increased signal in the body and splenium of the corpus callosum(orange), compatible with brain contusions caused by a shea r injury. Also visible is a large hematoma of the scalp (violet). The patient is a 17 year old male who crashed in a motorcycle accident and was not wearing a helmet.

Scott Camazine

5216 x 3300 pixels

Print Size @ 300 dpi
17 x 11 inches / 44 x 28 cm

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17, accident, also, anatomical, anatomy, attenuate, attenuated, axial, basal, biology, blood, body, bone, brain, cardiovascular disease, caused, cell, central, central nervous system, cerebral, cerebrum, chamber, chemistry, child, circulatory system, clothing, compatible, concept, condition, corpus, cortex, crash, crashed, cytology, diagnostic, diagnostics, dimension, direction, disease, drive, feeling, flair, fluid, frontal, head, helmet, hematoma, highway, human, human anatomy, image, imaging, increased, injury, internal, inversion, large, left, life science, lobe, magnetic, male, medical imaging, medical science, medical test, medicine, motor, motor vehicle, motorcycle, mri, nature, neck, nervous, nervous system, old, patient, people, procedure, properties, protective, protective clothing, r, resonance, ride, rider, right, road, scalp, scan, season, section, sensation, showing, signal, skeletal system, skeleton, spatial, structure, swollen, system, technology, top, transportation, vehicle, vessel, view, violet, visible, wear, wearing, weather, who, wound, year, circulatory system disease, blood vessel disease, hemorrhagic vessel swelling, pathological disease, pathological condition, inflammation corpus callosum, organ system, white matter road, math-related concept, spatial large ventricle, math-related concept, chamber ventricular, math-related concept, chamber trauma, injury bleeding, organ system, blood hemorrhage, symptom anterior, anatomical direction frontal, front axon, normal cell, nervous system cell, neuron teenage, child teenager, emergency accident victim, emergency injured, invert vehicle, transportation axial, view boy, child motorcycle, liquid 17, math-related concept, number seventeen, math-related concept, number focal, focus teen, child temporal lobe, organ system, axial human body, organ system, cerebral cortex brain, organ system, scan patient, medicine abnormal, descriptive concept hurt, pain section mri, scan hemorrhagic vessel, circulatory system disease, math-related concept, bilateral, cause driver, driving secondary, quantity temporal helmet, useful object, protective gear contusion, bruise medical imaging, medical test riding, ride brain injury, condition automobile, view bruise concussion, trauma adolescent, child unprotected, descriptive concept, protection driving, drive skull, organ system, ride callosum, latin word unsafe, safe corpus, ganglia, organ system, cerebrum injury, medicine traumatic, injury fall, seasons body, human magnetic resonance, scan axial section, section view increased, increase bump, math-related concept, spatial intraventricular, math-related concept, ventricle imaging, plant anatomy motorcyclist, motorcycle hyp