Multiple myeloma spreading into spinal canal
Colored sagittal CT scan of a 65-year-old male with multiple myeloma. In the occipital, both parietal and left temporal bones of the cerebral skull, a few rounded centers of lytic destruction, measuring 0.5 - 1.7 cm and consisting of approx. 10 pieces are visible. Polymorphic foci of lytic destruction are visualized in ะก1 - Th12. At C7, they are measuring approx 3.7 x 2.1 cm. Location: the left bracket is the transverse process. Invasion: the destruction of the cortical layer, spreading into the spinal canal, and opening of the left vertebral artery. Structure: heterogeneous, inclusion of tissue density (cortical fragments). In addition, degenerative dystrophic changes at C1 - Th12 is noticeable. A 64-slice CT scanner was used, with the thickness parameter set to 0.625 mm. A 100 ml iodine contrast with V = 5 ml/sec injection was administered prior to the scan.
Radio Scan
4249 x 5010 pixels
Print Size @ 300 dpi
14 x 17 inches / 36 x 42 cm