Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (insulinoma) with liver metastasis, simple pancreatic cyst, small biliary hamartomas - CT scan.
Sagittal CT scan with contrast enhancement. A 59-year-old-male patient. It demonstrates a partially exophytic solid lesion in the body of the pancreas showing relatively homogeneous and vivid enhancement on both the arterial and portal venous phases. No pancreatic duct dilatation or pancreatic atrophy upstream to the lesion. No calcifications. Multiple hyper-dense rounded lesion in both liver lobes- metastasis. In the head of the pancreas pure fluid-density simple cyst with an imperceptible wall, no solid elements, septa or enhancement. Disseminated, small hypoattenuating hepatic lesions without enhancement - small biliary hamartomas.
Radio Scan
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10 x 12 inches / 25 x 30 cm