Tuberculosis due to AIDS - stock photo
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Tuberculosis due to AIDS

Cinematic volume rendering (cVRT), CT scan. Pulmonary manifestations & Tuberculous spondylitis. A 36-year-old male patient shows diffuse small lung nodules, which are randomly distributed throughout both lungs, characteristic of miliary disease. This patient had been suffering from AIDS for 1 year before this scan. A multilocular, para-spinal cystic collection extends right-side from T5 to T6 vertebral bodies. The lesion measures roughly about 50 x 40 x 20 mm. The lesion causes right laminae, transverse process T5-6 vertebral, and 5-6 ribs erosions. Associated vertebral and right ribs osteomyelitis are visible. A posterior intra-spinal epidural cystic lesion about 30 x 20 x 15 mm is seen indenting the cord posteriorly. Anterior vertebral scalloping also in L5 is seen. A well-demarked and significant Schmorl node of about 30 mm is observed on the superior endplate of T9, probably acute. A 64-slice CT scanner was used, with the thickness parameter set to 0.5 mm. A 100 ml iodine contrast with V = 5 ml/sec injection was administered prior to the scan.

Radio Scan

4281 x 5010 pixels

Print Size @ 300 dpi
14 x 17 inches / 36 x 42 cm

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